
Do not be indifferent

We all wish there was a truth switch with only your hand on it. Because only you can report infringements relevant to the public at your workplace. This requires courage. By filing a report with the public prosecutor's office, you will have the opportunity to acquire the status of a whistleblower and to obtain additional protection measures. Do not be indifferent. Tell the truth, now.

Why is it important to protect the whistleblower?

         In Lithuania, the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers has been in force since January 1, 2019, but probably many of you are wondering why whistleblowers must be protected? We will list some of the most important reasons. First of all, whistleblowers are usually people who work in certain positions, perform certain functions, and are the first to learn about infringements that harm the interests of society or the state. The role of the whistleblower is also important for the state from the financial point of view: in 2019-2022, according to the data available to the prosecutor's office upon completion of pre-trial investigations, it was established that EUR 37,957,651 in taxes had not been paid to the state, whereas other types of damage amounted to EUR 48,257,676.

Answer the following 3 simple questions


The infringement
The infringement you wish to report is being committed by an entity or an institution in which you are
currently working or have previously worked or with which you have a contractual relationship
(consulting, independent work, traineeship, internship, volunteering, etc.). You can also report an
infringement if you become aware of it during the process of recruitment or other pre-contractual


You have specific information that a criminal offence, an administrative offence, an official misconduct
or a violation of professional duties, or any other infringement that poses a threat to the public interest, is
possibly being planned, being committed or has been committed in the institution.


The infringement does not concern only your personal interests, it is harmful to a larger part of society
or to fundamental constitutional values.